Find a Doctor.
One of the problems faced by people with facet injuries is finding a doctor capable of performing the diagnostic blocks and neurotomy procedure. Unfortunately many doctors have simply never heard of the procedures so it isn't always simply the case of asking for a referral from your GP or family doctor. Generally doctors who do perform the procedure fall under the following specialisms: pain management, anaesthesiology or neuro-surgery. If you are having trouble finding a doctor use the maps below to identify where you live and see if any are in the current database. If you are a doctor or know of a doctor not included please E-mail me so I can include them.
I have only included in the database doctors that I have been able to ascertain do the diagnostic testing and neurotomy, the list is therefore nowhere near exhaustive. If there is no doctor in the listings near you try the sites beneath the map. The most likely specialism to yield results tends to be anaesthesiology so try searching under that where necessary.
Firstly identify the country where you live by clicking on the relevant place on the world map. Only a few countries are currently contained - they will be identified as you pass over them.
Home page of the International Spinal Injection Society
Search page of the Society for Pain Practice Management
American Academy of Pain Management members list.
American Medical Association Doctor locator.
The Virtual Anaesthesia textbook site lists worldwide anaesthesia societies.
The procedure does not seem to be available on the NHS in the UK (I'm still trying to confirm this) but there are private hospitals where it is available.
Nuffield Hospitals - Go to their website here. I had my neurotomy at the Bristol Nuffield Hospital at The Chesterfield, Bristol with Dr G Greenslade. He can be contacted through the website.
BUPA Hospitals - Go to their website here. I contacted BUPA and they provided me with the following doctors, all of whom can be contacted through the website: Dr Drage in Cardiff, South Wales. Dr Eastwood in Murrayfield Hospital, Wirral, Merseyside. Dr A.N.Other in Clare Park, Farnham, Surrey.
Dr C Gauci in London. He can be contacted on 02085044816.
The Walton Centre for neurology/neurosurgery, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L9 7LJ. Tel: 01515253611 also have contact details for hospitals to perform the neurotomy. They provided me with Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, South Wales and Dr Turtle in West Wales General Hospital. At the time of writing I am still waiting to hear if these places do the procedure on the NHS.
Dr. Philip Harrison. He is at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver.
Dr Robert W Teasell,
London Health Sciences Centre,
339 Windermere Road,
London, Ontario N6A 5A5.
Telephone 519-663-3235, fax 519-663-2941,
It is also available at Toronto Western Hospital.
Perth Pain Management Centre, Perth, Western Australia
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