This page links to a number of articles on other sites detailing research and information on facet injury.
Dr David B. Ketroser gives a detailed account of the most recent refinements to the testing procedure to give a diagnostic certainty of over 90%. [see this article]
Nikolai Bogduk in Fact vs. Fiction outlines the "Compression Loading"
theory of whiplash. Looks at the common symptoms of whiplash, and treatment
studies (most notably diagnostic blocks and facet neurotomies of cervical z-joints
for chronic pain). [see
this article]
Robert W Teassell in The Denial of Chronic Pain, refutes the
long held assumption that soft tissue injuries heal after six weeks. Joins in
the support for the neurotomy treatment. Argues for studies showing that psychological
problems are secondary to, and not causative of, WAD. Points to flaws in the
"no claim no pain" argument. [see
this article]
Daniel J Murphy looks in detail at studies relating to facet neurotomies. [see
this article]
Study titled: "Whiplash injuries and neurotomy: a pain in the neck for
patients, researchers, clinical providers, and the automobile insurance industry."
Positive assessment of the efficacy of neurotomy as "effective versus placebo
(in) carefully selected patients with chronic neck pain following whiplash injury".
article] This is a direct download (only takes a few seconds) of a PDF file
which requires an acrobat reader. You can download the free reader here
or pay for the full version.
To see a simple diagram illustrating the position of the facet joints and how it is believed they are injured in an accident. [click here]
This clinical trial concluded that:"radiofrequency neurotomy
provides clinically significant and satisfying periods of freedom from pain."
The (US) National Library of Medicine site displays 115 results when you search for "facet joint injury". Below I have listed a number of the abstracts of studies found on their sites, listing the authors and recording the conclusions. Click on the links to see the full abstracts.
Siegmund GP, Myers BS, Davis MB, Bohnet HF, Winkelstein BA. The cervical facet capsular ligaments may be injured under whiplash-like loads of combined shear, bending, and compression. The results provide a mechanical basis for injury caused by whiplash loading. [click here]
Sapir DA, Gorup JM. These data contradict the common notion that litigation promotes malingering. This study also confirms the efficacy of radiofrequency medial branch neurotomy in the treatment of traumatic cervical facet arthropathy. [click here]
Barnsley L, Lord SM, Wallis BJ, Bogduk N. In this population, cervical
zygapophysial joint pain was the most common source of chronic neck pain after
whiplash. [click
Lord SM, Barnsley L, Wallis BJ, Bogduk N. Cervical zygapophysial joint
pain is common among patients with chronic neck pain after whiplash. This nosologic
entity has survived challenge with placebo-controlled, diagnostic investigations
and has proven to be of major clinical importance. [click
Manchikanti L. Radiofrequency neurotomy remains the only practical and
validated treatment for cervical facet joint pain [click
Another site I put together listing a number of links where you can find out detailed information on all aspects of whiplash injury. [click here] - incredibly detailed site with over 6000 pages of information about whiplash. [click here]
To go to a friendly forum where you can talk to others in a similar situation. A site for whiplash sufferers run by whiplash sufferers. [click here]
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